Please read carefully the disclaimer regarding your use of this website. By using this website, you are bound by this disclaimer. The information received by the company will be governed by and regulated by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Ordinance").
The Company (“LCI”) collects your data for the following purposes : providing services to you, processing and conducting related sales, ordering, refund and replacement services, delivery services, preparing shopping lists, and providing you with more personal information when using our website Services and respond to your inquiries, opinions or claims; provide our marketing materials (including but not limited to the latest information on our website), conduct surveys or statistical analysis to improve our products and services and promote our products and promotional purposes.
Personal data held by the Company “La Cucina Italiana Company Limited” (“LCI”) about customers and web visitors will be treated confidentially in accordance with this privacy policy. The Company (“LCI”) will use all reasonable efforts to ensure all the personal data held by the Company (“LCI”) are stored in a safe and secure place and only accessible to authorized individuals or third party service providers. Please note that no system can be completely protected from intrusion and it is impossible to guarantee that any data provided on the Internet is completely secure. Therefore, the Company (“LCI”) cannot guarantee the security of the information that you transmit to the Company (“LCI”) through the Internet or you receive from the Company (“LCI”). The company (“LCI”) is not responsible for any damages, losses or costs arising from the use of this website or any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental incidents.